Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Inspired Coaching by Neil Plimmer

Inspired Coaching!

Learn Golf – Introducing the Game to Beginners by Neil Plimmer

One of the most enjoyable parts of my job as a golf coach is introducing the game to new players. There is no better feeling than seeing someone come for their first session then work their way from novice to regular player. And most importantly develop a love for the game and take charge of their improvement.

Neil PlimmerOver the years I have reviewed and reflected my sessions and now coach them in a very different way to when I began coaching.

The way that the game of golf is introduced to people, in my opinion, is one of the reasons why many clubs are struggling to attract new members and why many new golfers never continue playing the game.

Picture the scene, a new player turns up to the Pro shop/Reception at a club or driving range to book a series of lessons. Lessons are seen as the first port of call for all new players. The new player is handed one club, normally a 7 iron, and taken to the driving range to learn the "basic technique" of the golf swing. Most of you will know the rest. Very seldom, in my experience, is a new player taken onto the golf course in these first few sessions.

I want new players to be “Beginners” for as short a time as possible!!

My new players start with their first session on the golf course. This is a vital part of developing the skills needed to play the game. We start by the hole (12 inches away for their first ever shot – it is then guaranteed to be a successful one!) and we then develop "playing skills" working backwards from the green with the hole in mind. There is generally little mention of technique at this point, I want them to feel comfortable with the golf course environment, the equipment that they are to use (first clubs they are introduced to are, a wood, hybrid, 7 iron, sand iron and putter) and controlling the ball in relation to the hole. Within the first session we would cover putting, chipping, bunker play and fairway shots. Players would be encouraged to play golf after their first session! Emphasis is placed on developing playing skills rather than developing picture perfect golf swings.

From the very first contact with new players I introduce them to the same routines and disciplines that I work on with established players. They are encouraged to monitor/review/reflect their performance and practice, they are then in a position to plan their next playing/practice experience. Establishing these routines early creates a safe learning environment for the novice player to take ownership of their development; they are then also able to drive the coaching process

The questions I always get asked is, when do you coach technique? I have come to the conclusion that the best way to develop new players is to introduce them to the skills it takes to play the game. By developing playing skills first it still surprises me how well most players improve without any technical input, and by running a process of development they very often come back to sessions and ask questions about technique. They are then improving technique in relation to the playing environment. Much the same way other sports are learnt.

A few thoughts

Golf is a game of movement – The golf motion is a movement skill and I believe that it is vital that new players are introduced to the golf swing like they would throwing, kicking, baseball, tennis etc. Here is the implement, move that ball the best way you know how and we can then develop that movement pattern. In my opinion, breaking the golf swing down into small and complicated positions hinders the learning process of the game.

Equipment – Less is more at first. A bag of 14 clubs can be very confusing for a new player and thus makes it difficult to make decisions when playing on the course. Start with a wood, hybrid, 7 iron, sand iron and putter and add the extra clubs to the set as you need them when you play.

Play to Learn - Learn with the golf course in mind. People need to create opportunities to play the game as much as possible, every time we go out on the golf course is an opportunity to learn and develop.

Skills are transferable – what people do off the golf course will help them develop the skills needed to play golf. Link the skills needed to play the game of golf to the skills we all use on a daily basis.

Skill/Distance appropriate golf courses – New players are encouraged to play a smaller golf course to start with, maybe starting from 50/100/150 yards from the hole (relative to their distance/ball striking skills) and keep scores/stats so that they are able to monitor performance.

Review/Reflection – All of my new players are given a little notebook or given a password to Smartpro to write notes there, on the first session and are encouraged to take notes on our sessions as well as the sessions they do on their own. This will be the very best golf book that they read, because it has all of the info in there that will help them learn and improve.

Perfect Practice – Golfers spend most of their time away from their coaches so need to be able to practice effectively. I educate new players on how to “perfect practice” The key thing being, practice with the golf course in mind. A couple of things that I introduce them to;
Putting – practicing with one ball only
Chipping/Pitching – again using one ball, chip/pitch and putt and keep score.
Worst case scenario – As we all know it is very seldom we get a perfect lie on the golf course so I encourage my new players to experiment and experience from as many different lies/scenarios as their imagination will allow.
On the range – move off the mat after EVERY shot. Change target and club after EVERY shot. Practice with the golf course in mind!

My Influences

Teaching Games for Understanding – Rod Thorpe - www.tgfu.org
Andy Morrison – www.progolfmindcoach.co.uk
Michael Hebron – www.michaelhebron.com www.nlglive.com
Paul Schempp – 5 Steps to Expert - www.performancemattersinc.com
Pia Nielson and Lynn Marriot – Vision54 – www.vision54.com
Kendal McWade – Instinctive Golf – www.instinctivegolf.co.uk

Peter Mattsson – Director of Coaching EGU

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