Friday 12 March 2010

Junior Coaching

Sunday will bring to a close the winter training programme for the Lancashire Womens Golf Association. What has been the most outstanding fact for me has been the lack of awareness as to the importance of what the golf club does in the golf shot.
I hear too often girls talking about the position of their feet, their alignment, grip,posture, leg action, hip turn,shoulder turn, follow through and so on.
Extremely frustrating as these girls believe all this will lead to better golf shots.
No one appears to have been giving the most important fact that the critical issue is what the club face does at impact.
The golf ball does not lie. It will go where its told. This information is passed on through the club face,FACT.
The rest is down to the individual to commit to exploring and discovering the most appropriate way for themselves to control the application of the club face.
Guidance is needed in this exploration of course,but its amazing what we all learn by not restricting young talent to templates of the "right" swing.
Too much inappropriate information is being given too soon to people starting to play.
We need to let learning take place.

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